Balkans-related, Counter Terrorism, and Cyber-related Designations; Issuance of Counter Terrorism General License; Settlement Agreement between the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and Haas Automation, Inc. (2025)

The U.S. Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today announced a $1,044,781 settlement with a California-based manufacturer of machine tools and related parts regarding its potential civil liability for apparent violations of OFAC's Ukraine-/Russia-related sanctions. Between December 2019 and March 2022, Haas Automation, Inc. indirectly supplied one computer numerical control (CNC) machine, 13 orders of spare parts, and seven authorization codes for CNC machines owned by blocked Russian entities, thereby committing 21 apparent violations of Executive Orders 13661 and 13662. The settlement amount reflects OFAC's determination that the conduct at issue was egregious and was not voluntarily self-disclosed. For more information, please visit the following Enforcement Release.

OFAC has issued Counter Terrorism General License 32, "Authorizing the Wind Down of Transactions Involving Yemen Kuwait Bank for Trade and Investment Y.S.C."

Additionally, OFAC has updated its Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List.

Specially Designated Nationals List Update

The following individuals have been added to OFAC's SDN List:

BOJANIC, Radmila (Latin: BOJANIĆ, Radmila; Cyrillic: БОЈАНИЋ, Радмила), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 03 May 1972; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Female; National ID No. 4M0M093A6 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expires 11 Feb 2034 (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033] (Linked To: DODIK, Igor; Linked To: NIMBUS INNOVATIONS D.O.O. BANJA LUKA).

COROVIC, Pavle (Latin: ĆOROVIĆ, Pavle), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 21 Jun 1984; POB Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; alt. nationality Serbia; Gender Male; Passport B3099982 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expires 25 Feb 2032; alt. Passport 015442249 (Serbia) expires 26 Oct 2030 (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033] (Linked To: GLOBAL LIBERTY D.O.O. LAKTASI).

DODIK, Sinisa (Latin: DODIK, Siniša), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 15 Jun 1979; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; Passport B0663770 expires 06 Jan 2026; National ID No. 741706K69 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033] (Linked To: DODIK, Igor).

DRAGICEVIC, Danijel (Latin: DRAGIČEVIĆ, Danijel; Cyrillic: ДРАГИЧЕВИЋ, Данијел), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 25 Mar 1980; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; Passport B0932715 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expires 03 Jun 2026 (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033].

FILIPOVIC, Goran (Latin: FILIPOVIĆ, Goran; Cyrillic: ФИЛИПОВИЋ, Горан), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 19 Jul 1985; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; Passport B0556782 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expires 22 Oct 2025 (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033].

GUJANICIC, Marko (Latin: GUJANIČIĆ, Marko; Cyrillic: ГУЈАНИЧИЋ, Марко), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 10 Sep 1992; POB Cacak, Serbia; nationality Serbia; Gender Male; Passport 017624601 (Serbia) expires 27 Jun 2033; National ID No. 1009992782839 (Serbia) (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033] (Linked To: DODIK, Igor).

KARAN, Sinisa (Latin: KARAN, Siniša; Cyrillic: КАРАН, Синиша), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 17 May 1962; POB Beli Manastir, Croatia; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; Diplomatic Passport D0004720 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expires 12 Jan 2028 (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033].

KUZMANOVIC, Rajko (Latin: KUZMANOVIĆ, Rajko; Cyrillic: КУЗМАНОВИЋ, Рајко), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 01 Dec 1931; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; Passport B2428524 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expires 15 Jul 2029 (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033].

MILANKOVIC, Dijana (Latin: MILANKOVIĆ, Dijana; Cyrillic: МИЛАНКОВИЋ, Дијана), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 01 May 1979; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Female; Passport B2779959 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033].

PANIC, Dalibor (Latin: PANIĆ, Dalibor; Cyrillic: ПАНИЋ, Далибор), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 20 Dec 1982; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; Passport B0622614 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expires 11 Dec 2025 (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033].

RAKOVIC, Goran (Latin: RAKOVIĆ, Goran; Cyrillic: РАКОВИЋ, Горан), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 08 Oct 1975; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; National ID No. 4M162T040 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033].

RELJIN, Nemanja (Cyrillic: РЕЉИН, Немања), Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 02 Jul 1996; POB Serbia; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; Passport B1313960 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) expires 27 Jan 2027 (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033] (Linked To: NIMBUS INNOVATIONS D.O.O. BANJA LUKA).

SELMAN, Dzerard (Latin: SELMAN, Džerard; Cyrillic: СЕЛМАН, Џерард), Bosnia and Herzegovina; DOB 28 Dec 1958; POB Kotor Varos, Bosnia and Herzegovina; nationality Bosnia and Herzegovina; Gender Male; National ID No. 501705232 (Bosnia and Herzegovina) (individual) [BALKANS-EO14033].

YIN, Kecheng (Chinese Simplified: 尹可成), Shanghai, China; DOB 08 Dec 1986; POB Anhui Province, China; nationality China; Gender Male; National ID No. 340121198612082214 (China) (individual) [CYBER3].

The following entities have been added to OFAC's SDN List:

SEE MEDIA RESEARCH LTD, Floor 1, 1 Goergiou Gennadiou, Larnaca 6031, Cyprus; Organization Established Date 05 Oct 2023; Business Registration Number HE452094 (Cyprus) [BALKANS-EO14033] (Linked To: GUJANICIC, Marko).

SICHUAN JUXINHE NETWORK TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. (Chinese Simplified: 四川聚信和网络科技有限公司), Area 2-b, Building A, No. 2, Sports New Village, North Side of Minjiang West Road, Deyang, Sichuan 618000, China; Organization Established Date 23 May 2014; Organization Type: Other information technology and computer service activities; Unified Social Credit Code (USCC) 91510600399136451Q (China) [CYBER3].

YEMEN KUWAIT BANK FOR TRADE AND INVESTMENT Y.S.C (Arabic: بنك اليمن والكويت للتجارة والإستثمار ش.م.ي) (a.k.a. YEMEN KUWAIT BANK FOR TRADE AND INVESTMENT), YKB Building, Al Zubairi St, Sana'a, Yemen; Aden, Yemen; Taiz, Yemen; Hodeida, Yemen; Al Mukalla, Yemen; SWIFT/BIC YKBAYESA; Secondary sanctions risk: section 1(b) of Executive Order 13224, as amended by Executive Order 13886; Organization Established Date 01 Jan 1977; Target Type Financial Institution; Registration Number 342/21 (Yemen) [SDGT] (Linked To: ANSARALLAH).

Unrelated Administrative List Changes:


Balkans-related, Counter Terrorism, and Cyber-related Designations; Issuance of Counter Terrorism General License; Settlement Agreement between the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and Haas Automation, Inc. (2025)
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